Can I eat Kerala mango pickle during pregnancy

In Kerala, “achar” is the Malayalam word for pickles and it has a vital place in Kerala cuisine. It is a traditional south Indian condiment made by marinating vegetables or fruits in a mixture of spices, oil and vinegar. Pickles give a unique flavors and spiciness that triggers cravings in everyone especially during the time of pregnancy. The traditional ingredients are not harmful for health but in the time of pregnancy, it is important to be aware of the spice levels and ingredients used and your health condition. There is no other complications to eat pickles, but it is important to consume in a moderate level so the Kerala Pickle Safe during Pregnancy.
Is Kerala Pickle Safe During Pregnancy?
Kerala pickle is safe to eat during the time of pregnancy in a moderation. We know that the pregnancy time is full of extreme cravings and of course the nausea. It is prepared by chopped vegetables or fruits with adding spices, oil and vinegar. Moreover, pickles has numerous health benefits such as rich source of vitamins and minerals and antioxidant properties. So eating pickle during pregnancy helps to boost digestion and reduce the nausea.
Nutritional Benefits of Kerala Pickle
Kerala pickles offer various health benefits; it is a rich source of essential Vitamins and Minerals and depending on the ingredients used. The pickles made with vegetables like mango, lemon, ginger can provide vitamins such as vitamin C and vitamin A. There are some more health benefits of pickles it is also contain minerals like calcium, iron, and potassium based on the ingredients used and preparation method. During the time of pregnancy, eating pickles in a moderate amount cause any problems if you have any other health complications. Moreover, the Kerala Pickle Safe during Pregnancy but it is important to be careful on the Pregnancy food safety precautions.
Tips for Eating Kerala Pickle Safely During Pregnancy
During the time of pregnancy, it is difficult to control our cravings. We know that pickle are rich in vitamins and minerals there are many other Health benefits of pickles, it important to understand your health condition before eating too much of spicy and salty food items. Always choose the best products while purchasing, the Kerala Pickle Safe during Pregnancy. Choose the reduced sodium label on the packaging to minimize the salt intake. In addition, for eating Kerala pickle safely during pregnancy follow the storage instructions on the label and keep it seal your pickle bottle securely. Use a spoon to pick pickles from bottle and avoid water contact to prevent from bacteria or other damages. There is a risk of listeriosis, that is caused by infection, so do aware of pregnancy food safety and buy pickles that are low in sodium and sugar to avoid any complications and make sure proper food hygiene too.
There is always some confusion in which food to eat or avoid during the pregnancy to avoid complications. The pickles always has a special craving during the time of pregnancy and it has some health benefits too. Choosing the best quality product is very important and do not forget to remember the tips for eating Kerala pickle safely during pregnancy. The Vebka foods offer variety of Kerala pickles online such as Veg pickles, Non veg pickles and Sea food pickles. Quality is the top priority of Vebka foods.